Monday, March 23, 2009

Martial Arts

The Martial Arts, seen as everything from a 'fighting style' to a 'fitness program', is more than most people's mind could comprehend. Now, now, before you get your panties in a twist, I'm not saying that you aren't smart enough, or capable, I'm saying your mind has been drilled on until you believe what your mentors have taught you, and you are probably stuck seeing it the way you do, at least until you break the barrier you, or they, created.

In reality, a lot of people see Chuck Norris, Jet Li, and Jackie Chan and the labels 'fighter', 'martial artist', and 'insane' come to mind. While at least one of those is true for each of them (Jet Li and Chuck Norris being Martial Artists and Jackie Chan being both Insane and a Martial Artist), none of them are all 3. Why? Because they limited themselves. One of the greatest Martial Artists ever once said to use "No limitation as limitation". Do you know who said that? The wonderful Bruce Lee.

Why is he wonderful? He was fast, mentally and physically. He was small, but had the strength unmatched by a lot of 200lb men. When he said to use no limitation as limitation, he was speaking on many different levels. Having a Masters in Philosophy, he had a ton of theories and beliefs, and in my opinion, 99% of them were true and great. He also stated to 'Be like water'. Many people are actually stupid enough to think that the previous statement was literal, while most knew what he meant, if not through their own intelligence, but because he was on TV when he said it and explained what he meant.

Think of the many, many forms water can take. It can take the form of a cup, as he stated. It can take the form of a house, a car, a boat, a computer, all coming together inside a container. Then, water can form things that cause mass hysteria. It can form Tsunamis; it can come crashing down as hard as a bomb. It can wipe out entire cities, even states, and in reality, even countries, if under the perfect circumstances. Using this theory, you could become flexible, fast, deadly, all in one. Water can freeze, turning into one hard block, too, and you could, but what does Ice do? It breaks. Think about it. Let's say, for arguments sake, you weight 300 lbs and are nothing but a 6'5" beast, while a 5'8" man, at 130lbs, who is quick, agile, and strong, starts something with you. You have always been the stand and fight type, so you do just that... you stand and fight. The little guy's just too fast, though, and he swarms around you, literally, going all around your body staying just outside of reach when you can get to him. Who wins this fight? The little guy. A quick low blow would probably take you down, and IF it didn't, because he is as fast as he is, he could just take your throat out faster than you could imagine.

So which wins, Ice or Water?

Also, as a leaving note, I just realized how much Chuck Norris is overrated.  I always knew he was, but still. He not only admitted once that if he and Bruce Lee got into a real fight, he would lose, but he also created his own Martial Art named Chun Kuk Do. What an egotistical bastard. At least Bruce Lee made something that didn't reference his name. (I'll speak about Lee's JKD some other day.)


  1. You might want to remove that last part Chris, considering what you say in the top post.

  2. No. Why? First off, I admitted I was wrong in that the legal trademark was Jun Fan's JKD, but (there's always a but) he wanted it known as Jeet Kune Do, not JFJKD, while Mr. Norris wants his known as Chun Kuk Do...

  3. Didn't see that part, sorry heh.

  4. Also, to add to your water analogy, water can take the shape of anything, it can freeze and become solid, and, most importantly, it is a necessity to life on Earth.
